Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Global Warmism, an introduction

These are a series of images that communicate the very real threat of global warming. The biggest threat of all is the often moronic "What's a global warming?" attitude that many people seem to take. It may be that everyone I know is an idiot but if people who I don't know really were worried about the effects that global warming IS going to have on them then why do they still have three cars in their front garden?

The Global Warmists are an undercover underground underwraps group of reptillian evil bads that are lying in wait for global warming to Earth Fuck the planet in to a suitable enviroment in which they can nasty party! Erection! Halt!!

Hopefully you enjoy these images and look forward to the rest! These are just quickies done originally in Director and then I've played with the hue and saturation here and there in photoshop Photoshop. Some other minor edits but still pretty much in their raw form. I intend on scanning some of the original pencil/pen drawings at some point. Untill then I'll post these bitmap images as they come. Wauuugh! !